Trump being Trump can sometimes amaze.
Trump has done something that gives most Republicans the vapors. He spoke the truth to black voters. He said out loud what most people think but never say.
Trump has done something that gives most Republicans the vapors. He spoke the truth to black voters. He said out loud what most people think but never say.
Two questions. First: when is the last time you had even the slightest concern about drinking the water from your kitchen tap? Second: can you name a city in America under Republican leadership that is broke and dysfunctional?
That Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson – two complete political outsiders – are number one and two in the polls for the GOP nomination ahead of party blue bloods is instructive.
Increasingly, those who voted for the first time in 1992 can’t stop thinking about tomorrow because the prospect of tomorrow is keeping them awake nights.
Today’s Democratic Party has next to nothing in common with the middle class it so loudly proclaims to represent.
No cult of personality can effectively or justly govern any nation, let alone a republic of 50 sovereign states and 315 million people.
If today’s GOP has no room for Ronald Reagan, today’s Democratic Party has no room for John Kennedy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan or Joe Lieberman.