Tagged: Democrats

How the Left now rolls.

If you have heard any prominent Democrat publicly denounce the violence being committed upon Tesla vehicles and dealerships, please drop me a line telling me who, when and where. Because I haven’t.

Trump the Roadrunner.

The Dems must feel like Wile E. Coyote. Every surefire ACME-inspired political explosive they have deployed against Donald Trump has detonated in their faces.

The Elites v. the Folks

Somewhere back there, the political contest quietly shifted from Democrats vs. Republicans to Elites vs. the Folks. It’s almost as if new political parties got formed.

Reviewing the lessons of Baltimore.

According to essentially everyone in the progressive political and media ecosphere, white racism competes only with climate change as the number one problem facing our society.

Waiting for epiphany.

Any objective and sober analysis of readily observable facts reveals in stark, undeniable detail that liberalism destroys everything it touches.