Tagged: Democrats

All Aboard the Democrat Free Stuff Crazy Train!

The Democratic Party we remember has gone the way of rotary phones, TV picture tubes and 45 rpm records. What we have in its place is a party filled with wannabes who claw, fight, elbow and hip check each other trying to be the one farthest to the left.

Trump has no choice but to be Trump.

Republicans can either no longer win the presidency or, if one accidentally does, effectively execute the office under the rules to which Republicans have traditionally been bound.

The intolerableness of Donald Trump.

Imagine if you are an elite, coastal liberal living in a country whose president is Donald Trump. Imagine what you must be thinking – and more apt in the case of liberals – what you must be feeling.

The delusions of the Left.

The Left is spewing incomplete, taken-out-of-context or just flat fraudulent statistics in an effort to tell us how great things are going under the most far-left presidency in our history.

Of Democrats and (willful) ignorance.

Since the 1960s, none of the pet policies of those aging 1960s children that we saw on the Democratic debate stage has worked. From welfare to education to health care to economic policy. None of them.