Old issues. Old prescriptions.
For more than 50 years, the United States government, mostly but not completely at the behest of the Democrats, has been obsessed with two issues: poverty and minimum wage.
For more than 50 years, the United States government, mostly but not completely at the behest of the Democrats, has been obsessed with two issues: poverty and minimum wage.
My disagreements with Democrats are not personal. My problem with Democrats is that I so vigorously disagree with so much of what they believe.
No cult of personality can effectively or justly govern any nation, let alone a republic of 50 sovereign states and 315 million people.
What emerges from Wendy Davis’s story and its discrepancies is that she embellished or outright fabricated parts of her story to make it more appealing to her base.
Good policy is good politics and the best possible policy is to get this horrendous law off the books as quickly as possible.
If journalism were functioning in America, the reporting would go beyond the ‘gotcha’ politics of the moment and would drill down into the actual substance of what separates the parties.
It is always a mistake to underestimate the problem-solving capacity of a robustly growing American economy. Yet Republicans argue with Democrats as if our current sluggish economy is the best we can do. It’s not.
Forget the esoterica of the constitutional arguments. Forget that Congress has arrogated to itself power over your life on a scale never before seen. The real problem with Obamacare is that upwards of four out of ten in the United States believe that entitlement on such a scale is even possible.