Good character is not on the ballot this time.
Let’s recognize the truth about this race. There are good reasons to dislike both candidates. The choice comes down to which set of policies you prefer.
Let’s recognize the truth about this race. There are good reasons to dislike both candidates. The choice comes down to which set of policies you prefer.
Memo to Donald Trump. Despite the media wishing they would, most Americans don’t really care about your taxes. But they care very deeply about affording their health care.
No nation has ever borrowed so much money. No nation has ever spent so much money. Never in human history has so much money been spent with so little to show for having spent it.
Papa Bush’s declaration in favor of Hillary Clinton is a thumb in the collective eye of millions of Republican voters hoping for a Trump victory – voters who, in years past, hoped with equal fervor for Bush victories.
Irrespective of political inclination, Americans are becoming fed up. The creeping incompetence of the federal government is simply too obvious and offers too many examples to be ignored.
Trump has done something that gives most Republicans the vapors. He spoke the truth to black voters. He said out loud what most people think but never say.
Who can better deploy the fruits of American enterprise – the federal government or those who actually produce the fruit?
Ms. Whitman, you can afford Hillary Clinton. But there are millions of us who can’t. Your support of Clinton is the very essence of the kind of elitism that spawned Donald Trump in the first place.
If you’re a Republican and Donald Trump wasn’t your first choice back in January, he’s your only choice in June.
Donald Trump, if he understands anything, understands that for the middle class to thrive, small businesses must have relief from an anti-business government.
Republican leaders have assumed that the middle class vote is firmly in the bag and that listening to some carping and bitching from that quarter is just par for the course. No big deal.
Had GOP elites taken a moment sometime between 2009 and now to have a sip of tea, they might never have had to confront the threat to their power that they clearly believe Donald Trump to be.