Tagged: donald trump

Asked and answered.

I’d be willing to bet that Donald Trump has taken more questions from the media in 44 months than his two predecessors combined took in 16 years.

Absence of trust.

There are two institutions in our country that cannot operate effectively in the absence of public trust. Both institutions – acting almost as if in concert – have aggressively forfeited that trust.

Everything comes at a price.

Appropriate policy occupies some indeterminable spot on a continuum between taking no special action whatsoever on one extreme and completely stopping all industry, commerce and interpersonal transactions on the other.

On China Trump has been right early and often.

We suddenly are aware of the fact that untold numbers of things – things that are absolutely essential to the health of our economy as well as to our very bodies – are manufactured in a totalitarian country that will stick it to us the first time it suits their convenience.