Tagged: donald trump

Reality Star-in-Chief

In one move, Trump outed the Democrats as the open border advocates that they are while simultaneously giving cover to Congressional Republicans.

Days of merry and bright.

Christmas is the season of miracles and we should thus remember that the American economy is capable of miracles if left unshackled by taxes, regulation and the incessant meddling of power hungry, vote pandering politicians.

Trump has no choice but to be Trump.

Republicans can either no longer win the presidency or, if one accidentally does, effectively execute the office under the rules to which Republicans have traditionally been bound.

Smarter and tougher.

What makes Donald Trump formidably smart is his near supernatural ability to recognize and distill into plain English what ordinary people are thinking.

Wounded swamp creatures.

John Brennan’s temper tantrum at having been relieved of his security clearance by a president who is justifiably tired of Brennan’s crap is a prime example of the very kind of swamp-dweller behavior that Donald Trump was elected to fix.