Looking better as events look worse.
None of the insanity that seems to be popping up in every direction you look would likely be happening if Donald Trump were still in office.
None of the insanity that seems to be popping up in every direction you look would likely be happening if Donald Trump were still in office.
President Joe Biden is waging an obsessive and destructive jihad on fossil fuels.
What is it about this presidency that has a bit more than four out of ten voters favorably disposed?
The ‘mad pursuit of zero’ precludes policy makers and politicians from ever asking, “Will the benefits of doing this outweigh the costs?”
Unlike Ivy-educated apparatchiks in government, small business owners do not have the luxury of clinging to ideology.
Whenever I hear pontification about “clean energy” from an elite leftist I can’t help asking; Does this person really believe what he is saying? Is he really this uniformed, or worse, this stupid? Or is he just being deliberately dishonest in pursuit of a political aim?
Putin knows that renewable energy won’t replace energy from fossil fuel – certainly not quickly enough to replace the oil & gas production that Europe and the United States keep taking offline.
Taken all around, Biden’s State of the Union address was tone deaf and uninspiring, the gushing reaction from mainstream media outlets notwithstanding.
I confess that I, myself, am guilty of having underestimated Biden’s abilities to foul things up.