Tagged: Liberalism

We’ve only just begun.

It is undeniable that a small group of elitists living mostly on the coasts have been very successful at advancing hard left policies that defy majority opinion.

The Elites v. the Folks

Somewhere back there, the political contest quietly shifted from Democrats vs. Republicans to Elites vs. the Folks. It’s almost as if new political parties got formed.

Crisis on the Vineyard.

If one of the wealthiest enclaves in the western hemisphere can’t feed and house 50 impoverished migrants, how do they imagine that a poor town like, say, Eagle Pass, Texas deals with thousands of such migrants every single week?

Waiting for epiphany.

Any objective and sober analysis of readily observable facts reveals in stark, undeniable detail that liberalism destroys everything it touches.


According to a Cato Institute study, save for those who self-describe as very liberal, most Americans are keeping their politics close to their vests.