Tagged: media bias

Asked and answered.

I’d be willing to bet that Donald Trump has taken more questions from the media in 44 months than his two predecessors combined took in 16 years.

The New York Times revealed.

I have been searching for a way to concisely describe the smug, condescending, elitist leftism that has taken over substantially all of American journalism. I now have it.

The Media Guild

Does anyone seriously believe that ABC would have spiked a story that would have been damaging to a prominent conservative instead of a prominent liberal like Jeffrey Epstein?

Media bias hatred.

Donald Trump’s real opposition comes from Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulus and the rest of the glittering galaxy of smug, condescending, self-satisfied elite media liberals.

Not doing the job.

If we had a properly functioning fourth estate there would be some honest, probing and thoughtful reporting on the serious issues that now confront American society.

The End of a Love Affair.

Even though it is quite evident that they don’t know it yet, the media paid a dear price for their nearly decade-long love affair with Barack Obama.

How are these people “mainstream?”

Why do we still call it the “mainstream media?” Who among the pretty TV news faces lives or works in anything resembling the mainstream of American life?

Out of the shadow thanks to the IRS.

Purely for the mental exercise, let’s imagine that during the presidency of George W. Bush it came to light that the IRS singled out MoveOn.org or Planned Parenthood or some other liberal group for special scrutiny.