Tagged: obamacare

A nation of infants.

Forget the esoterica of the constitutional arguments. Forget that Congress has arrogated to itself power over your life on a scale never before seen. The real problem with Obamacare is that upwards of four out of ten in the United States believe that entitlement on such a scale is even possible.

Obamacare turns two.

Obamacare’s second birthday is coming and going today almost totally uncelebrated. Proud father Barack Obama had everybody over to the house on the day his namesake was born. But today he, and Obamacare’s mother, Nancy Pelosi aren’t saying a word.

Lessons from the loo.

Try to imagine the bureaucratic gridlock of a city of fewer than 100,000 trying to procure toilet paper for a few city buildings scaled up to say, the size of the bureaucracy of an entire country trying to procure health care for 310 million citizens.

Why you may be frustrated.

If you’re frustrated or scared I think I know why. Not only is nothing being done about our problems, little of use is even being said.

I’m now Catholic. (So are you.)

As a result of the arrogance of an administration that believes that there is no aspect of American life into which it does not have the unlimited right to intrude, we are all Catholics now.

Nothing to run on.

If you were a true Obama believer during the 2008 campaign, the State of the Union address Tuesday had to have rung hollow when listened to against the backdrop of three years of actual experience under an Obama administration.

Your doctor’s massive pay cut.

Last week, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, MPAC, yet another government panel that you probably didn’t know existed, voted to impose massive payment reductions upon doctors who see patients under Medicare.